The Dearborn Youth Symphony is holding auditions for the 2010-2011 Concert Season on Thursday, September 9 from 4-9 p.m. at the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center.
Musicians should be prepared to play a piece of their choice. To register for auditions and for further information please visit
Girls Practicing Strings (photo courtesy of the DYS)
Chairs are available in the Symphony Orchestra, Concert Orchestra, Advanced Flute Choir and Intermediate Flute Choir. All wind, brass, percussion and string instruments are welcome to audition.
DYS members include musicians ages 8 to 22 years from more than 27 communities in the southeast Michigan area.
In addition to guest clinicians and area performance opportunities, the organization also offers scholarship, solo and concerto competitions.
The DYS rehearses at the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center on Monday evenings from September through May, and performs three concerts each season in the state-of-the-art Michael A. Guido Theater in Dearborn.