DEARBORN, Mich. – Michigan’s cold winter will hopefully be less bitter for thousands of hungry people in metro Detroit, thanks to donations from customers and staff at Westborn Market. During the past month, this independent gourmet grocer’s three stores collected donations totaling nearly $14,400 for Forgotten Harvest, a mobile food rescue organization in metro Detroit.

Forgotten Harvest’s Associate Development Director Cindy Corey, at left, accepts a donation of $14,396 from Westborn Market, presented by Bryan Bandyk, marketing director and Patricia Labatte, Berkley cashier and top fundraiser, for the store’s holiday campaign to help feed the hungry in metro Detroit.
For several years, Westborn Market has been an active supporter of Forgotten Harvest and collected holiday donations to help feed the hungry. Special recognition was given to Westborn’s Berkley cashier Patricia Labbate who helped raise nearly $2,000 of the total received.
“This generous donation will help us rescue and deliver more than 75,000 meals to people right here in our community,” said Susan Goodell, executive director of Forgotten Harvest.
Westborn Market helps Forgotten Harvest in other ways throughout the year, including the non-profit’s annual Champagne Cruise fund-raiser held each summer during the Woodward Dream Cruise.
“Even in a tough economy, we can always rely on our customers and staff to be extremely generous to help those less fortunate,” said Mark Anusbigian, president of Westborn Market and a member of Forgotten Harvest’s Advisory Board. “While there are signs of optimism about Michigan’s economic recovery, we know the need is still very great, especially during these winter months.”
Westborn Market has stores in Dearborn, Berkley and Livonia. Regular business hours are 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday, and 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday. Location information is available at www.westbornmarket.comor by calling 313-274-6100.