DEARBORN, Michigan – Colette Richards and Michael D. Albano, who are both running for Dearborn City Council, announced an informal “meet and greet” to be held at Park Place on Monday, February 4, 2013 from 5:00 to 6:30pm

Michael D. Albano
Meet the first two candidates who pulled petitions for Dearborn City Council who will be available to talk to residents and gather more signatures to place them on the August 2013 primary ballot.
“We wanted to meet more residents”, Richards’ said, “Even though we might know some of them from Facebook or they have seen our blogs, they don’t know who we are and what we stand for”. Michael D. Albano agreed, “Doing something like this together will be a great way for Dearborn residents to talk to both of us at one location at the same time. In addition we’ll be able to hear their ideas about Dearborn”.

Colette Richards
Both candidates have touted how they love Dearborn, and both are involved serving as volunteers and members of numerous commissions, committees, and task forces for the City of Dearborn. Now both want to become more involved by representing the best interests of residents as City of Dearborn Council Members.
The “meet and greet” event will be held Monday, February 4, 2013 from 5:00 to 6:30pm at Park Place, 23400 Park Street, Dearborn, Michigan (Just off Outer Drive, 1 block south of Michigan Avenue)
For More Information
For more information about Michael D. Albano, please visit MichaelDAlbanoForDearbornCityCouncil on Facebook, or email him directly at [email protected]
For more information about Colette Richards, please visit ColetteRichardsForDearborn on Facebook, or email her directly at [email protected]