DEARBORN, Michigan – Residents and other customers needing to do business at Dearborn City Hall are reminded that those services and departments are moving to the Dearborn Administrative Center on Friday, Sept. 19.
Services and departments currently at Dearborn’s City Hall will be temporarily disrupted from noon on Friday, Sept. 19 until the Dearborn Administrative Center opens at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 23. This includes phone calls and email messages.
At 8 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 23, the Mayor’s Office, City Council, City Clerk and many administrative departments will be conducting business at the Dearborn Administrative Center, 16901 Michigan Ave., about two miles west of the current City Hall.

Dearborn’s New Administrative Center
The Mayor’s office, City Council and City Clerk’s office, along with many administrative departments, will be open for business at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 23 after relocating to the Dearborn Administrative Center, 16901 Michigan Avenue. The DAC is shown here. It is just east of the Southfield Freeway, on the south side of Michigan Avenue. The current City Hall will be closed to the public as of noon on Sept. 19, 2014. Phone calls and email messages will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 23 when the DAC opens.
City Council meetings will begin taking place at the DAC with the regularly scheduled business meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 23. The DAC is on the south side of Michigan Avenue, generally across from Ford World Headquarters and just east of the Southfield Freeway. It sits on the western edge of the city’s municipal complex running west from Greenfield along Michigan Avenue. It is the first building west of the Henry Ford Centennial Library.
When the DAC opens to the public on Tuesday, Sept. 23, customers will find it easier to navigate in the new building, with all popular services provided at a comprehensive counter immediately in the main entrance. A staff person will be stationed in front of the main service counter to direct and assist.
Getting a birth certificate, registering to vote, applying for a building permit or certificate of occupancy, paying taxes and water bills, or filing a Homestead Property Tax Credit are among the services provided within a few steps of the main door of the DAC.
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Along with the Mayor’s Office, City Council and City Clerk, the departments relocating to the DAC are Assessor’s, Economic and Community Development, Engineering, Finance, Housing, Human Resources, Law and City Plan, Management Information Systems, Public Information and City of Dearborn Television, Residential Services and the Treasurer’s Office. All city phone numbers will remain the same.
Departments still located in their own facilities are the Department of Public Works, Recreation and Parks, Libraries, Fire, Police and the Historical Museum. Those departments will maintain their regular hours without disruption Sept. 19-Sept. 23.
For more information, please call the Department of Public Information at 313-943-2285 or visit